Woman was FIRED For Giving the Finger?
Around a month ago, a Woman was fired from her job for giving the finger to trump as she passed by on her bicycle. "Really? You're golfing again?" she said.
Juli Briskman, 50, was cycling through Sterling, Virginia last month when she was passed by the president, en route to his golf course
If you stuck up the middle finger at someone, would it be worthy enough for you to lose your job? The answer is no. But that's not the case in this situation. This lady was fired only because she stuck up the finger at someone at a higher scale.
A photographer just happened to capture that moment and the photo went viral. The person who did it soon found out about it then set it as her profile picture on Facebook. Her friends asked her if that was here, and she said Yes. Not too much time later on, her boss ended up asking her if that was her. She said yes. That was also the one reason why she was fired. If she had apologized or did anything to prevent herself from losing her job, there could have been a chance of keeping her job. But she stood strong with her action and faced the consequences.
She did this because she thought of the devastation occurring in Puerto Rico and about how Donald Trump responded to that situation. She was furious that the young immigrants who were took into the United States could be simply deported.
In my opinion, the lady who did this and stood strong with her words is truly something to admire. She put her job and her social status all at risk just to speak her mind directly to President Trump. Through her job's policies, it was only right for her to be fired since she gave out a bad public image on her self putting the business she was working for in danger. But if I were her boss, I would have not fired her but appreciated her for speaking the voices for the children in Puerto Rico. All she did was a simple protest DIRECTLY to President Trump. This kind of act tends to actually reach President Trump's mind rather than the protests that happen on the streets where only police react to the situation. Her peaceful protest may be more effective than groups of protests. Unfortunately, she might not be getting a job for a while and may be unable to support her family fully. All because she stuck up the finger.
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ReplyDeleteI definitely agree to to what you said about admiring the courageousness of this woman. Trump with all his power has for sure done worse than flipping someone off. I don't even think Trump knew about it until it went viral. But I don't exactly agree with you about justifying her flipping Trump off. This world is unfair, we know that because Trump is the president of the one of the biggest superpowers in the world. But is the woman really justified with giving the finger to the president? Like you said she probably has a family to support and she risked their well being because she felt like needed to flip someone off. There is also her employers, who can walk into trouble as she was associated with them. It's a sad reality but everything in this world has consequences and she needed to realize this before she gave the finger.
ReplyDeletethat was a good point you made, that she only got fired for sticking up her finger to someone of higher class. i never really thought about it that way, and i think you're right. the outcome of the situation would've been completely different if it wasn't trump.
ReplyDeleteyou make very well written blog posts, good job.